Dear Patient!

If I am to adress you, then you have a problem with your health. It is true. It is the doctor’s mission – to be with people in their lives’ difficult moments. Therefore I turn to you with comforting and encouraging words.
We have a wide experience in the treatment of brain, spinal cord and spine traumas and disorders. Our doctors are well educated, and constantly increase their knowledge and skills in the best clinics abroad.
Our nurses have acquired a unique experience in neurosurgical patient care. We have the most modern diagnostic equipment and technologies: magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography, digitalized brain vessels investigation techniques, modern surgical equipment (neuronavigation system, microscopes, ultrasound aspirator, etc.), which facilitate minimally invasive surgery, operating pathological processes without damaging healthy tissues. We are able to provide highly qualified assistence to patients with brain vascular pathologies and their consequences, with brain, spinal cord and vertebral column traumas, tumors and inflammation, and with central and peripheral nerve system functional disturbances. We regularly discuss our work’s results with Latvian and foreign collegues in seminars and conferences. We have the possibility to consult, in every complicated case, with our collegues abroad.
I wish you a quick recovery and a long, healthy life.

Prof. Igors Aksiks